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Retreats for Groups


Imagine Ministries is dedicated to serving Jesus Christ. It is a teaching ministry with an emphasis on calling Christian men and women to “Press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called (them) heavenward in Christ Jesus” (Phil 3:14).  We seek to exhort, challenge, and strengthen the saints that they may be equipped to do the work of the Kingdom. It is our resolve to help God’s people understand who they are in Christ, so that from a grace-filled position of humble confidence, hope, and love, they will move out into the world as partners in the Gospel, to proclaim light and truth where darkness and sin have helped people in bondage.



The teaching emphasis of Imagine centers on what Jesus has won for His people through His crucifixion and resurrection, and how this reality should influence and shape their daily lives.  We challenge the saints to take hold of their inheritance and destiny in Christ. We tackle such issues as:

  • FAITH – Are you talking more about faith than living it daily?

  • GRACE – Do you rest in grace or prove your worth? How do you show grace to others?

  • IN CHRIST – Do you know who you are in Christ? What does it mean in your work? In your family?

  • HOLY SPIRIT – Is the Holy Spirit a thing or a person to you? How do you get to know Him better?

  • POWER OF GOD – Do you know God’s power as real in your life? Do you rely on His power rather than your own?

  • GIFTS – Are you gifted? Can you know what your gifts are? What should you do with them?

  • HEALING – If God heals, why are there doctors? Are they mutually exclusive? What is healing?

  • SPIRITUAL WARFARE – Is there a war going on? How do you recognize it? How do you prevail?

  • PROBLEMS – Why are you afraid? How come you get so hurt? How do you respond?

  • VICTIMS/VICTORS – are there areas in your life where God seems to have abandoned you? How are you victorious in Christ?



It is our desire to respond to the unique spiritual needs of each body of believers for the glory of Christ. We seek to support and compliment the work already in progress at each church or group, in the building up of the saints and exhorting them to press on.

We begin by finding out where you and your group are now. We discuss teaching topics. We pray for guidance. We listen to the Holy Spirit. Our goal is to present topics that deepen each participants walk with Jesus.



Gathering for Teaching and Ministry

In addition to the teaching, a Gathering includes worship and praise, plus personal ministry and prayer during a two and a half-hour period. More than one Gathering may be advisable to fully cover the topics and allow time for reflection and the full work of the Holy Spirit. Usually, Gatherings are held in the evening, although, Imagine is available to conduct Gatherings during the day, including Saturday.


Somaworks I and II

Somaworks I and II are Imagine Ministries’ seminars focused specifically on personal God-given gifts ad designs. We include teaching on the Biblical basis of giftedness, analysis to uncover individual design, and instruction on the applications of giftedness for the group. These seminars are highly effective for teams or committees who work together regularly.

Adult Education and Sermon


Imagine is available to teach an adult education class or series of classes and to fill the pulpit.


For more information:

Contact Tricia McDermott, by email or phone 860-729-2557.


© 2023 by Imagine Ministries

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